LaGuardia TechHire -- Open Code, The Journey

Day 28: JavaScript Starts Now

With a new week came a new language, JavaScript. Today we finally went to JavaScript City. This language helps to make a page interactive that HTML and CSS cannot easily do. To start the day we learned about data types which come on a variety of formats.  These formats include: boolean, null, undefined, number, string, and objects. Booleans are concerned with logic, where they assign if something is true or false. Nulls are used when you want to specifically make a value, nothing. Undefined are a default in JavaScript because values usually aren’t automatically defined. Numbers are pretty self explanatory, they are actually number symbols such as: 1, 13, 28, 6, etc. Strings are concerned with characters and must go in single or double quotes. Objects are when you put values within a value. We spent the day focused on learning data types and objects because they are the foundations of JavaScript.

TechHire–OpenCode relies heavily on self learning and looking to outside resources. With only three weeks to learn three computer languages, I was glad to have another bootcamp that could clarify concepts I left class unsure of. Flatiron’s pre-bootcamp has been helping me greatly with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. After class I hopped on and did exercises that helped me understand the syntax of JavaScript. Since the IDE is very similar to Atom’s text editor, I could easily transfer my in-class learnings.

TechHire–OpenCode teaches me a lot, yet leaves a lot for me to learn on my own. Self Teaching is the main and most important lesson I have learned thus far. Through trial and error and looking towards the World Wide Web, I have gained an immense amount of knowledge. This fact may be worrisome, but I know after this program is finished I can find the tools to sharpen my skills.



Day 25: More than Code

This blog is focused on my journey of growth as an individual. Currently my posts are centered around web developments because that is where I am spending majority of my time. As stated in my first blog post, I am indeed a multifaceted human being, my world doesn’t revolve around the computer. I make sure to interact with people who come from all walks of life and have interests in various areas. I am physically with my wonderful classmates three days a week and communicating with them seven days a week, that’s a lot of time. It is crucial for me to have balance in my life and not lose myself to anything. To my delight, a long time friend (from Cuba, to Florida, and finally California) informed me that she would be in New York City! I was excited to catch up on the new happenings in life, talk about new goals, and reminisce on shared memories. Before this could happen, I had to get through class. Tonights festivities did not take away from my focus in class. My future self would not welcome any slack on my part (or anyone else’s really).

In today’s class we worked on creating landing pages for our websites. A landing page is exactly that, it is where the user lands when loading a website. Most websites use landing pages a marketing strategy because that is what the user views first, it’s a focal point. When learning how to create landing pages I realized that I needed to make <div> my best friend. I needed to win it over however I could, intelligence, dazzling smile, humor, whatever it took. Luckily, my first plan of action was enough, intelligence. For my landing page all I had to do was put an image inside of a <div>, assign it a class, then customize it from there in CSS, simple enough.

<div class="screen-image">

The hard part for me was deciding what image I wanted to use as my landing page. When planning the framework of a website, I envision the content that will occupy the space I am essentially creating. What message or feeling do I, as a web developer, want to give the user that is symbiotic with the message and feelings the content will give the user? That may be the most important factor to me when bringing something to life. When giving this assignment in class, I couldn’t just slap any image onto my webpage. I needed the image to have some meaning. I wouldn’t put so much energy into learning something only to put zero energy into its execution. On Pexels, I came across a picture of a young man who seemed about my age and wanted to feature him on my page. After browsing the website a bit more, I found a picture of an older man. The picture of the young man could’ve been a picture of the older man decades prior, vice versa. This made me think of time, aging, and the thought of generations next to one another. As you can probably tell, I wanted them both on my landing page. What was there to stop me? I didn’t want them side by side. What was the solution? A hover media query. To have the two images share a screen, I created a media query that change one picture to the other when you hovered over the landing area.

background-image: url("../images/youngmed.jpeg");
background-size: cover;
background-position: center;
height: calc(100vh - 60px);

background-image: url("../images/oldmd.jpeg");
background-position: center;
transition: 1s;



LaGuardia TechHire -- Open Code

Day 23: Carmen Sandiego, Where are you?

Today our class was introduced to the inner workings of computers. For apple, we are working with MackBook Pros, the terminal is used to essentially command a computer to perform actions. Terminal was supposed to be practiced on the first day of the cohort, but obstacles arose. In a world of technology, it is important to know how to overcome or bypass difficulties for they are in abundance. Perhaps more important than our previous lessons, it was imperative that we followed instructions in the most meticulous manner. One wrong key stroke can cause havoc while using terminal.

On our very first lesson of the cohort we learned about file structure, and that same lesson was reinforced today. Files are usually made by right clicking to create a new folder or file. Today we learned how computers actually create and access files. A seeming unimportant word gained great importance, “Directory”. A directory is a cataloging system that connects file paths in a computer system.  During this class we learned various commands that are explained in this video by Code Academy. 

After learning basic Terminal commands, we headed over to Git. Git is a version of a Distributed Version Control System. That may seem like a mouthful, but Git it is a web developers dream. By using Git, a person can have access to the full history of their projects. When learning Git, Kurt explained it to us as a tree.

DisneyGrandmotherWillowAnim.gifTell me about it Grandmother Willow…

There is a master branch which relates to the trunk of a tree. The master branch is where the main project lies. Then there are branches of a tree which correspond to different versions of a project. Different branches, work off the current master branch and allow the user to make alterations without effecting the master branch where you want your final project to be. When you are truly satisfied with a version, or branch, you can merge it to the master. When you merge a branch to the master it becomes the updated version that your branches will be worked off of. This can be thought of as adding a ring to a tree trunk. It took a lesson on nature for me to understand Git, but there are computer written commands to bring Git into effect. Beanstalk Guides gives a great breakdown of Git commands and their use here

To solidify the lesson on Terminal and Git, Kurt gave us an exercise that brought me back to my childhood in the 90s. We played his version of “Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?”. This wasn’t the computer game I remember, but it was technically a computer game. In Kurt’s version we went to GitHub and cloned files of data and hidden in these files was the elusive Carmen Sandiego. We searched each folder by changing directories and listing all hidden files within them. Sadly, I didn’t actually go to the countries that named each folder and file, but I did find Carmen Sandiego as I traveled through Kurt’s cloned files.

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LaGuardia TechHire -- Open Code

Day 21: The Choice is Yours.

After a weekend of coding, I found that my insatiable appetite for food had translated to an insatiable appetite for web development. Monday’s are dreaded for most, but I came to class eager. Last week’s orientation an familiarization of the program allowed Kurt to jump right into the lesson. I was ready!


When starting a CSS stylesheet, we used to go element by element, customizing each one individually. There were a lot details that were standard unless you altered them. This inconvenience led us to the star selector * (No, I’m not talking about myself.). The star selector allows the user to target the whole stylesheet, this applies to CSS and HTML. That being said, watch out because it can lead to problems if you aren’t careful.  From previous exercises, I found two elements, in particular, that threw me off with there standard measurements: margin and padding. In star selector I can set both of these elements to 0%. Doing this removes the standard measurements and allows me to set set new values.

box-sizing: border-box;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;

It was day three and time to learn more advanced web making. Before moving into modern web development, we had to learn about the past. Float is a method of website making that is based on putting text around an image. This layout is often used for basic web pages that consist of a banner, aside (menu bar), main content and a footer; nothing too complicated. After this, I was ready for more, ready to step into 2017 of HTML and CSS. Tell me about flex!! (It’s true I need to go back to the gym, but can flex my website in the meantime!) Flex is used with a lot of current websites, especially those which feature columns and boxed content. With flex, order is extremely important. All items automatically have an order of zero,”0″. which brings things to the top of the page. When assigning a different number order, larger numbers go lower on the page.

Most websites want to give their viewers a method of providing feedback. This is usually done through forms, or an area to get in contact with the web page provider. These areas usually contain a space to enter your name, age, email, and other demographics. In fact, I provide a contact page for my viewers to Get in Touch!  When making a form, there are a few types of inputs you can provide. The three we worked with in class are text input, radio input, and checkbox input.

As the name suggests, text input is place where the user can type a message. An example of this could be writing a yelp review.

Screen Shot 2017-11-10 at 11.41.04 AM.png

Radio input is where the user can choose only one of the options provided. An example could be entering age range, a person cannot satisfy more that one of these options.

Enter Age

Checkbox input differs from radio input in the fact that the user can choose more than one option. An example of this can be used when ordering ordering pizza online. Here you can choose more than one option, go on, your tastebuds deserve it.

Screen Shot 2017-11-10 at 11.42.27 AM.png

Wed development is much like life, you have an endless amount of options and opportunities. I began this blog with a post asking “Who Will You Be?” and the choice is always yours. Life will present situations much like a form on a website. Sometimes you can answer with all the thoughts you hold. Sometimes you have to pick and choose one option over others. My favorite, sometimes you can choose as many options as you want. (All, nothing and everything in between.) I am glad I can see so many parallels between the craft I am learning and the life that I am living.



LaGuardia TechHire -- Open Code

Day 20: If You’re Learning and You Know It, Clap Your Hands!

Idleness is fatal only to the mediocre. -Albert Camus

It is a luxury to be sure in life, to know exactly what is to come. That being said, it is imperative to learn as much as you can about your environment regardless of its manifestation (e.g., physical, mental, social, academic, etc.). I never used Atom before this cohort and it was important for me to familiarize myself with the text editor. I downloaded the program on both of my personal computers and loaded the projects I had worked on in class.

Screen Shot 2017-11-09 at 3.20.18 PM.png

During my exploration of the program I found there was an option to download packages and themes that customize your experience. I downloaded the ‘monokai’ syntax theme which colored my text in a way that made it easy to distinguish between elements. This was a big help for learning new code.Monokai Kurt also introduced us to a color picker app called Sip. This application icon states at the top of my toolbar and whenever I want to pick out a color, it’s right there. A key feature of this app is being able to pick up colors from anywhere on my screen. Bam! Hexadecimal at my finger tips!

TechHire–OpenCode is a program that requires immense dedication. That being said it is important for me to give web development my all. Google is a great place to look for answers, but i wanted more to reinforce and learn new skills. The Flatiron School is a well established web development bootcamp based in New York City. Their school just launched a beta accelerated bootcamp prep. This bootcamp prep is meant to build a strong foundation before you tackle an official bootcamp cohort. At noon I attended an online lecture by the co-founder of the Flatiron School himself, Avi Flombaum! He was wonderful in the way he introduced us to new material and explained topics. is an online platform made by the Flatiron School used for learning web development. During the lecture we were introduced to the Learn IDE. I found it comedic when Avi told us the IDE was based on Atom. Zing, another way to reinforce my skills with Atom!

It is the part of a wise man to keep himself today for tomorrow, and not to venture all his eggs in one basket. -Miguel de Cervantes

LaGuardia TechHire -- Open Code

Day 16: New Month, New Beginning

The start of the month is always the best time to start something new. Conveniently, November 1, 2017 marked the beginning of the TechHire–OpenCode cohort. The program was held in a new location which pushed me to explore Laguardia’s campus further. I saw familiar faces from the vestibule and it comforted me to know that some of my comrades made it to the program.TechHire--OpenCode FriendKurt, our new instructor eased the class into a new curriculum. We would leave Java momentarily and begin learning HTML and CSS. Luckily, I had completed most of the tutorials on these languages provided by W3Schools. I wasn’t walking on completely foreign terrain and I had steady footing as we moved along. Just as we strayed from Java, we also strayed from the Processing IDE. In effect, our class was introduced to a new text editor called Atomatom-logo.jpg

Screen Shot 2017-11-08 at 2.56.54 PMOur first lesson was on file paths and their great importance. It is crucial to organize your file paths together because your pages will be linked to one another. Atom does a very good job of displaying the file path and showing how folders and files nested or linked to one another.

Elements are written in tags that begin with a left angle bracket or less than sign ‘<” and have a right angle bracket or greater than sign after them. The elements within these brackets are called tags. In order to process a tag, there must be a closing tag. A closing tag is similar to an opening tag in that there is a forward slash before the element name. There are some elements like img (image) tags which are self closing.IMG_4343

For our first assignment, we were tasked with making a website. We opened The text editor and entered our first lines of HTML. Through this exercise, we learned about how to link images to our HTML file. Also, we learned about how to see our code they way it would be displayed on an actual webpage! Below I have the code I wrote and its translation to google chrome. There you can see different elements and how they are formatted as tags.

<pre><!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>My First Website!</title>

<h1>Hello World!</h1>

 Howdy Human, How are you?


	<li>I am Great</li>

	<li>I am Amazing</li>

	<li>I am Beautiful</li>


This is how and who I am. Click <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> to really find out.
<img src="./images/earth.jpeg" alt="an image of the earth">

<h1>Hello Moon!</h1>

<h2>Hello Stars!</h2>



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LaGuardia TechHire -- Open Code

Day 14: The Waiting Game.

With the weekend over, my anxiety about the TechHire–OpenCode cohort arose. On the last day of the vestibule, we were told that our pending acceptance would be decided and communicated by Tuesday. It’s now Monday and I need answers. My mind went through a crazy whirlwind of questions. When will I find out? Will they notify people who were rejected? How long can I play the waiting game?image03.gif

During the weekend, everyone was booted from the vestibule slack channel and told they would be added to a new channel upon acceptance. Tomorrow might be the deadline, but come on! I alternated between compulsively checking my email and putting my phone on ‘do not disturb’ while I was in a separate room.   FullSizeRender.jpgMy patience, or lack there of, was soon rewarded with information regarding the TechHire–OpenCode cohort with Software Guild.There was no formal email. There was just a notification on my phone from the Slack application., a little orange bubble at the corner of an icon.I was added to a new slack channel. This channel was for the third cohort of the program. I was accepted into Laguardia TechHire–OpenCode with Software Guild. Though it wasn’t the formal acceptance I was hoping for, my excitement was not dulled! The formalities came later that day, so I was really in.



I made it. Well, I made it in. Stay tuned for how I make it through.


The Journey

Day 12: Self Care. Improvement, Not Perfection.

Be yourself, but always your better self. -Karl G. Maeser

Firstly, I want to say how thankful I am to have had this opportunity with TechHire– OpenCode. This weekend provided time to reflect on the past two weeks. Web development has been a recent passion of mine and it wasn’t influenced by anyone around me. In the past, I have taken the advice of others as if they were commands I could not stray from. Pursuing web development is a sign of great growth for me. My parents, one of my biggest supporters, were absent in supporting this dream of mine. I did research and found TechHire—OpenCode, I applied myself, and worked to get a place in the vestibule. I am following my dreams, regardless of those around be because I am the one living my life, no one else. Immense work went into the vestibule, I focused on my work and gaining the courage to say no to others. Many talk about the “Yes” methodology of life, but that is something I’ve already adopted, and to a fault. I am learning that I can say no without being selfish. This vestibule has given me some strength in terms of putting myself first.

After much needed rest, I was able to do things outside of coding and step back from my computer. They (whoever they are) say that we make time for the things we really care about. This weekend had a theme of self care by ways of home improvement. As I have said before I am a Jack-of-all-trades. Handy work is something I really enjoy; if something is broken I will fix it. I found mirrors meant for trash that I decided to recycle and use for my office. My office of need of color, so I spray painted the mirrors to help brighten the space. (Yellow is my favorite color.) The stairs in my apartment was  a project I talked about, but never had the time to complete. Two hours later my stairs were complete.(But not dry, so I was stuck downstairs.)  Lastly, I needed a place to for Alfred, my money tree plant, where he could get adequate sunlight. Also, I was tired of looking at my old radiator. BOOM! Two bird one stone, I decided to build a radiator cover to hide my hideous radiator and provide a space for Alfred right near the window. Unfortunately, the five year anniversary of Super Storm Sandy, brought heavy rain and strong winds. Needless to say, today was not ideal for buying wood at the hardware store. I did however, take measurements and draw out a plan to avoid delay when the weather improves.

I am grateful for this program but more importantly, I am proud of myself. Self-care includes improving your environment (fixing my apartment) and following your dreams. I am taking bold and confident steps along the path of my life. Each day I work at becoming my best self. I am honored to say, this is a reality for me. I am a better person than I was yesterday.

LaGuardia TechHire -- Open Code

Day Ten: The Finale!

Since the beginning of the TechHire—Open Code vestibule, I have been learning the basics of Java applied in the Processing IDE. For our second coding assignment, with the help of Zein, I decided to create a screen that shows rain pouring. As I’ve documented in previous blog posts, creating this image was no simple feat. I spent days trying to get objects to move on the screen and improve my coding. Just in the context of this one sketch, I learned something new each hour. Even when I was away from the processing IDE, I had my pen and paper to trying to figure out improvements.

For our final project we were given a ‘prompt’ that really just gave us free range to create what we wanted. I was lucky for fluidity of this assignment, because I knew I wanted to continue working on this ‘RainPouring’ project. I mapped out my ideas on paper and tried to bring them to life.

The first task I wanted to accomplish was finding a way to have an umbrella on the screen without having to write so many shapes, which took up many lines of code. Again I find myself giving credit to Daniel Shiffman, because he taught me how to add images to my canvas. The first image I placed on the canvas was of an umbrella against a white background. This royally messed up my vision because it was an ugly box in the center of my background. I soon learned that there is more than one version of an image file. I needed to ditch jPEGs and find myself a PNG. PNGs preserve the transparency behind an image; I didn’t have to worry about a background. Lines 7 through 16 show where I declared and initialized the images I wanted for my project. Now that I had the image on the screen, I wanted to be able to do something with the umbrella. I learned that images work a lot like the familiar primitive rectangle. Lines 35 and 36 show where I call and use the image() function. By setting the image coordinated to the x coordinate to the mouse’s location (mouseX) I could make the umbrella move side to side. I didn’t want the umbrella to move up and down so I kept the y-coordinate at a constant.

Droptop[] rDrop = new Droptop[400]; /*instead of two sepearate objects,
i can use on line of coding with an array. An array is a list. '[2]' represents the
number of spaces in the index. in coding, counting starts from the number zero to account for the index.*/

Star[] twink = new Star[300];

int screen = 0; //creates global variable for screen
PImage umpic; //here is where I declared the umbrella image
PImage tweetpic; //here is where I declared a bird image


void setup() {
size (800, 600);
umpic = loadImage("yellow0.png"); //I loaded the image in setup as oppesed to draw
//used a png. file to preserve transparency
tweetpic = loadImage("tweet.png");

for (int i = 0; i < rDrop.length; i++) { //i can use rDrop.length because it will represent the length of the strong (or how many spots are listed in the array"
rDrop[i] = new Droptop();

for (int i = 0; i < twink.length; i++) { //i can use rDrop.length because it will represent the length of the strong (or how many spots are listed in the array"
twink[i] = new Star();

void draw () {

//=======gloomy sunday=====

if(screen == 0){ //The following code is for a the starting rain screen
//lines 19-21 are where we initialize the array within a loop
background(48, 88, 155);
image(umpic, mouseX, 400, 291/2, 300/2 ); //picture of umbrella; follows the mouse along the x-axis, width and heighe/2

for (int i = 0; i < rDrop.length; i++) {
fill(187, 189, 191);
ellipse(25, 0, 150, 150);
ellipse(75, 50, 100, 100);
ellipse(150, 0, 125, 125);
ellipse(775, 0, 150, 150);
ellipse(725, 50, 100, 100);
ellipse(675, 0, 125, 125);
/*order is still very crucial in the function of my code*/
}//close screen 0


//=======sunny side no eggs =========

if(screen==1){ //this opens the second screen
image(tweetpic, mouseX, mouseY, 400/2, 400/2); //picture of bird; follows the mouse along the x-axis, width and heighe/2


if(screen==2){ //this opens the second screen

for (int i = 0; i < twink.length; i++) {
}//close draw


void mouseClicked(){
background(255); //background flashes white to represent thunder
if ((mouseX >= 0 && mouseX<= 225 && mouseY>= 0 && mouseY<= 150))
screen= 1; //if the clouds are pressed it goes to sun screen
else if((mouseX>=600 && mouseX<=800 && mouseY>= 0 && mouseY<=150))
screen= 2;//if clouds are pressed it goes to sun screen

The second change I wanted to give my project was to be able to change the weather from rainy to sunny. To do this I added a mousePressed() function. I wanted to be able to press a place on the screen and have the weather change. I chose to say that if I clicked the clouds something would happen. Lines 81-87 show the additions I had to make. In order to do this, I had to find the area that clouds covered on my canvas. I set parameters in the clouds that said if the mouse were pressed there something would happen. I knew I wanted it to be sunny, but the almighty question was ‘how’! After watching coding tutorials by professional coders on how to make complicated games, I began to get a grasp of the basics. It to me well over three hours to grasp these basics, but it did! I had to set up another screen. I created an int named ‘screen’ and assigned it the value 0. This can be seen in line 7. I had to then add this scene change to my if conditional statements. After each parameter of the where the mouse has to be pressed, I put ‘scene==1’ or ‘scene==2’. After learning how to do this, I got excited and decided to make two scenes! (Mind you, it’s now 9am)

Now that I had a new scene, I needed to decorate it. This wasn’t particularly difficult because I know how to create backgrounds and shapes. When it came down to actually writing the code, I had A LOT of difficulty. How to say this information is for one scene and this information is for another scene? If statements to the rescue! Lines 30-54 show my answer to this problem. I could place the information of a particular statement inside of an if statement that was specific to a certain scene. ‘If in scene 0, perform this. If in scene 2, perform that’. My first scene had the rain pouring and a moving umbrella. With the second scene I was able to make it turn into night where I had a moon and stars.

Screen Shot 2017-10-27 at 1.00.31 PM.pngScreen Shot 2017-10-27 at 1.01.03 PM.png

Below you can see the two classes I made, each has its own tab on Processing.


class Droptop{
color c;
float xpos;
float ypos;
float diam1;
float diam2;
float yspeed;

Droptop() {
c = color(99,196,240,85);
xpos = random(width);
ypos = 0;
diam1 = 20;
diam2 = 30;
yspeed = random(1,4);/*i did not want to make this speed uniform
depending on the amount of blank() used*/

void display(){
ellipse (xpos, ypos, diam1, diam2); /*This shows the format for the circles
so I dont have to type it continuously*/

void move(){
ypos = ypos + yspeed;
if (ypos > height){
ypos = 0;


class Star{
float xpos;
float ypos;
float diam1;
float diam2;

Star() {
xpos = random(width);
ypos = random(height);
diam1 = 10;
diam2 = 10;

void display(){
ellipse (xpos, ypos, diam1, diam2); /*This shows the format for the circles
so I dont have to type it continuously*/

Today’s presentation of our final projects marked the end of the TechHire—OpenCode vestibule. Each Participant was allotted seven minutes to present there project. These seven minutes included setting our laptops to the projector, talking through our code, running our code, and lastly a Q&A session. I am generally a great public speaker, but Friday had my nerves rattled. I felt the pressure. My presentation could make or break a possible invitation to the full TechHire—OpenCode program. I felt the pressure. After setting up my laptop, my anxiety steadily receded. I was able to talk through my code in a manner that showed my understanding and dedication to the project. I was surprised to hear subtle gasps when I showed the interactivity portion of my sketch. There was less than a minute left for Q&A and I was able to still answer two questions without gabbling. My supportive classmates gave me a round of applause, which erased all doubt about the quality of my project.

These past two weeks have taught me so much in the world of web development. I learned about job placement and techniques in coding. The most important lesson I learned during my time with TechHire—Open Code is that there is no limit to what I can accomplish if I put my mind to it.

LaGuardia TechHire -- Open Code

Day Nine: My Road to Success!

First stop: Inspiration

Merriam Webster defines inspiration as the action or power of moving intellect or emotion. I gain inspiration from the things I hear, see, read, and feel each day. Below are some quotes that I find inspirational.

No one is dumb who is curious. The people who don’t ask questions remain clueless throughout their lives -Neil deGrasse Tyson

You should never view your challenges as a disadvantage. Instead, it’s important for you to understand that your experience facing and overcoming adversity is actually one of your biggest advantages. -Michelle Obama

When we drop fear, we can draw nearer to people, we can draw nearer to the earth, we can draw nearer to all the heavenly creatures that surround us. -bell Hooks

I’m rooting for everybody black. -Issa Rae


Second Stop: Motivation

Google defines motivation as the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.  There are two types of motivation; intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation refers to the reasons within yourself that fuel a specific behavior. Extrinsic motivation refers to the reasons outside of yourself which fuel specific behaviors.

My intrinsic Motivations:

  • I want to better my environment and create a positive community.
  • I crave learning and I do not want to limit my mind
  • I do not want to be left behind as the world advances
  • I want to positively affect a wide range of people
  • I want to be the best version of myself
  • I want to live a comfortable life

My Extrinsic Motivations:

  • I want other to look up to me in a positive manner
  • I want to make my family proud
  • I need money to live comfortably (capitalism is the worst)

Third Stop: Resources

I believe true success can not be obtained alone. There is a saying that says “it takes a village” to show that it takes a group of people to perform a task. Other people may not actively be apart of a task, but they do contribute to your experiences. I have written lines of code on my own, but I gained the knowledge to do so from my peers and other resources. Resources to not only have to be people, they can extend to just about anything.


  • My Family (Including my dog, Oliver)
  • My partner
  • My friends
  • My colleagues and classmates

Online Resources: